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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

i dont know bout you all but im pretty anxious about the US elections which i dono when it is taking place. the reason im into this is because it decides the fate of the world for the next 4 years man. glad Bush can finally go and FO.

but personally im supporting Obama cos he look's like a strong, stable and un-crazy leader.

reasons for not supporting McCain or Clinton;

McCain: look at his face man. he looks like some vietnam war veteran aka sergeant slaughter-everyone ready for some spillage of blood. this aint good cos the war on terror would just be prolonged and any terrorist attack in the future would have dire consequences. everything is about war war war, from the look of his face haha.

Clinton: she's a woman. (no offence) but you can tell she's a feminist and "cheating" by appealing to the women voters. which is not wrong but its sucky. you know how women like her are with things; every single detail must be this and that, just like a woman nagging. so i think she wont be a good president cos she'll be just focusing on women's rights all the time.

|| posted by eugene

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


its been a hell of what? 2, 3 weeks for me man. long long long long days of projects projects projects

finally i can not use that word for a long time to come because i just completed the last one an hour ago, which was 12am, in school
apparently, the project that we did slaved throughout the weekend midnights and mornings was picked as the best in the cohort to be sent for this international competition thingy.. which meant more work for us..

IF, we manage to win, i'll have to fly to washington DC to present the report in front of hundreds of geezers. that an if

anyways! only 1 week more remains of my poly life. been through good times and shitty times. more shitty times.. but yea i cant wait to graduate
finally can have some time to sleeeeeppppppppppp. and go back to writing more songz.

ok im super shagged. only 3 hours of sleep for the past 41 hours.
dead. tired.
9am class later.
|| posted by eugene

Sunday, January 6, 2008

and so, 2008.
a new beginning.

stay tuned for more.
|| posted by eugene

Sunday, April 22, 2007

zzz school's here

this sem's gonna be quite slack, timetable wise..

had an eventful holiday though, lotsa new people

my neck hurts
|| posted by eugene

Sunday, April 1, 2007

this guy whos been tagging my blog must be REALLY jealous of me. like REALLY REALLY jealous.
pussy. dont infect me with your pussy-ness
|| posted by eugene

Thursday, March 29, 2007

my brother is ultra uber mega irritating when watching soccer
he keeps commenting and whining and whatever when the team makes a mistake or is just playing another strategy which is not suited to his managerial instincts.
comon la the reason why they are crossing the ball a lot and not pushing front can be due to one thing; its their strategy...
and unless you're better than the people you are gonna constantly nag about, dont.

anyway im going to work for some event tmr at esplanade for a day.. must wake up damn early, 1030!! that is like 6h hours before my usual wake up time.. go figure.
|| posted by eugene

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

hmm some people just love to hate me

im glad i made a difference in their lives

|| posted by eugene


